Codecraft Privacy Policy

Last updated 2021-04-27

This document describes how we (Földesi Consulting) handle data that relates to users of our Services.


Which data we process

Why do we process your data

We process your data in order to:

Who is the data shared with

Partners that we use to provide our Services:

Advertising partners:

How long is the data kept

The data is collected to achieve the purposes described earlier in this document, and is kept as long as it is necessary to do so. After that, it's deleted.

Data that is not identifiable to you might still be kept even after the applicable retention period (e.g as aggregate data).

How the data is protected

Data is stored & handled in accordance with the applicable data privacy laws. Access to data is protected by two-factor authentication. Data in transit is protected by industry-standard encryption (HTTPS / SSL).

Your rights as a data subject

Your have the right to:

Please note that when you request the removal of your data, we may continue processing it if we have a lawful basis for doing so.

To modify or delete your data, please contact us at to exercise your rights. Such requests may require that we confirm your identity in order to make sure that you have the right to make the request - this may involve requesting additional data from you.

Age limit

By accepting our terms, you certify that you are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than 13 years, please do not provide us with your personal data. Even though our Services contain age verification barriers where applicable, we have no way of verifying the age of our users; however, we do not knowingly collect personal data from users that are younger than 13 years. If we gain knowledge of that we are holding data that belongs to users under the age of 13, we shall take appropriate steps to handle the data according to the respective privacy laws, or we may delete the data. If you have knowledge of that we are holding data that belongs to users under the age of 13, please contact us.

Changes to these terms

We may, from time to time, update these terms to reflect the changes we make to our Services, or to comply with regulations that might have been changed. Proportional to the significance of the changes, we may notify you in other channels as well.